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Open Calls

STSMs call

STSMs call is continuous, first come first served basis. For the submission, we ask for a research/work plan, a letter of invitation from the host institute/researcher, a budget plan and a scientific CV. An STSM committee will evaluate the proposals within 10 days of submission. The criteria for evaluation are relevance to the Action and the milestones of the working groups. Gender, geographical and age distribution should be monitored by considering COST recommendations. Young researchers and applicants from ITC countries for  missions should have priority when applicants have similar achievements. The Committee suggestions should be  approved by the Chair, Vice-chair, and the WG leaders. The grants are awarded by the Chair. One month after the completion of the STSM, a report should be submitted by the grantee and the results should be presented in the next related Action meeting, financed by the action.

This COST Action Chemobrionics has ended on April 14, 2023, and we are no longer accepting any grant applications.

ITC grants call

The ITC grants applications should contain a letter of motivation, a scientific CV, for PhD students a letter of recommendation from their advisors, along with a budget plan. The STSM committee decides 10 days after submission about the application following the rules of COST.

How to apply for a STSM

  1. Ask for Letter of support from the HOME Institution (template can be dowloaded HERE)  AND a Letter of acceptance from the HOST Institution stating that the STSM can be performed in the agreed dates (template can be dowloaded HERE)

  2. Login to the e-cost system (Create an account if you do not have one)

  3. Click on STSM Applications from the menu on the left

  4. Create a new STSM request

  5. Fill out the details:

  • Give your Home Institution

  • Select our Action number CA17120 (Chemobrionics)

  • Give a Title for the STSM

  • Select the grant period

  • Give the Start and End dates

  • Most importantly fill out the motivation and workplan (max. 2000 words)

    • Aim & motivation - Please explain the scientific and/or other motivation for the STSM and what scientific and/or other outcomes you aim to accomplish with the STSM.

    • Proposed contribution to the scientific objectives of the Action. Give the WG group number and the appropriate tasks and deliverables your STSM is related to.

    • Techniques - Please detail what techniques or equipment you may learn to use, if applicable.

    • Planning - Please detail the steps you will take to achieve your proposed aim.

  • Give your bank details

  • Give your HOST details (name, e-mail, institute with address, city and country)

  • Write the amount of support you ask for (separately travel and subsistence) in eur

 6. Save the request

 7. Upload supporting documents

  • The STSM application in pdf format

  • Scientific CV with a list of academic publications in pdf format

  • Letter of support from the HOME Institution (template can be dowloaded: ) in jpg or pdf format

  • Letter of support from the HOST Institution that the STSM can be performed in the agreed dates (Please, specify if the host will provide matching funds.) in jpg or pdf format

 8. Notify (just in case) the STSM coordinator Agota Toth via e-mail


After submission of the application:

  1. The STSM team will check the application and makes decision from which notification will be sent.

  2. If an application is approved:

  • Enjoy the STSM

  • Within 30 days of the return from the STSM, a scientific report should be submitted (template can be downloaded HERE)

  • The host and then the STSM coordinator approve the report

  • After the approval, the payment of the grant will be issued to the given bank account.

  • The applicant name, home and host intitutions, period, and the project title will be published on the webpage of the Cost Action Chemobrionics.

Eligibility and terms

Check the Vademecum (section 8) for exact conditions.

Submit the proposal

STSM coordinator:

Prof. Ágota Tóth

(University of Szeged, Hungary)

Next call

STSMs and ITC grants calls are continuous, first come first served basis.


Short Term Scientific Missions – STSMs:

Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) allow scientists to learn from an institution or laboratory in another COST country – a concept of particular interest to young scientists. In this instance STSMs facilitate Researchers participating in COST Action to go to an institution, organisation or research centre in another participating COST Country to foster collaboration and to perform research. Participation of “Early Career Investigators” (ECI) in STSM is particularly encouraged.

ITC grants:

ITC Conference Grants provide support for conference participation of PhD students and ECI researchers from participating Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) to attend international science and technology related conferences not specifically organised by the COST Action. ITC Conference Grants are designed to reimburse costs of conferences attended by eligible Action participants.

The applications should contain a letter of motivation, a scientific CV, for PhD students a letter of recommendation from their advisors, along with a budget plan. The STSM committee decides 10 days after submission about the application following the rules of COST.

List of grantees

Dr. Antoine Allard

University of Warwick (GB), CSIC, Granada (E)

2020-09-21 - 2020-12-18

GPV investigation of micro flows from light stimulated Chlamydomonas

Prof.  Simone Giannerini

University of Bologna (IT), University of Copenhagen (DK)

2020-09-05 - 2020-10-30

Bootstrap inference for threshold models in time series analysis

Dr. Greta Goracci

University of Bologna (IT), University of Copenhagen (DK)

2020-09-05 - 2020-10-30

Bootstrap inference for threshold models in time series analysis

Prof. Goktüg Ahunbay

Istanbul Technical University (TR), Université Montpellier (F)

2020-08-16 - 2020-10-14

Modeling gas transport in membranes

Prof. Majdi Hochlaf

Université Gustave Eiffel (F), University of Tunis

2020-07-20 - 2020-08-08

Characterization of the AlxOy multicharged ions sputtered from crystallized Al2O3 (corundum) after bombardment with energetic electrons, photons and particles and detected by Atom Probe Tomography

Mr. Philip Asare Kusi

University of Siena, Abo Akademi University (FIN)

2020-07-01 - 2020-09-30

Hierarchical structures grown from the gel or liquid interface

Dr Jasmin Suljagic

University of Tuzla (BIH), Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad (SRB)

2019-10-28 – 2019-11-01

Investigation of physical properties of silicon nitride nanofluids (WG3)

Ms Laura Rodriguez-Cid

Institute of Material Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) (E), Institute for Chemical and  Bioengineering, ETH

2019-10-01 – 2019-12-18,

Synthesis of new materials and study of non-equilibrium self-assembly processes using microfluidic devices, (WG1, WG3)

Ms Rahma Dahmani

University of Tunis El Manar (Tunis), Institut for Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy (SRB)

2019-09-15 – 2019-11-15

In silico prediction of CO2 adsorption in Metal Organic Framework (MOFs) (WG2, WG3)

Mr Lorenzo Sebastianelli

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I), Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (IACT) CSIC-Universidad de Granada (E)

2019-07-20 – 2019-07-28

Nano-characterization of materials obtained from chemical gardens processes (WG1, WG2)


Ms Dimitra Spanoudaki

Universite libre de Bruxelles (B), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR)

2019-07-20 – 2019-08-13

Controlled growth of quasibiological cells (WG2)

Dr. Janno Torop

University of Tartu (EE), Abo Akademi University (FIN)

2019-06-23 - 2019-07-23

Electroactive composite scaffolds from carrageenan for actuator/sensor applications in soft robotics (WG3)

Joana Lopes

University of Aveiro (P), Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine of London (UK)

2019-02-24 - 2019-03-09
Synthesis and nanocharacterization of carbon dots (C-dots) as growth platforms for morphological well defined particles

Dr. Tan-Phat Huynh

Abo Akademi University (FIN), University of Tartu (EE)

2019-01-14 - 2019-02-13

Nanoporous SiC/FeSx hybrid electrodes for actuator/capacitor

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